
Opening of Terra Alta-Kingwood Road

Preston Republican
September 4, 1924

Terra Alta-Kingwood Good Road Picnic to be Held at Caddell, Thursday, Sep. 11

Formal Opening of Hard Road Will Be Celebrated at Rifle Range - Flying Machine, - Base Ball, - Picnic, - Various Amusements

The opening of the State Highway between Terra Alta and Kingwood will be celebrated at Caddell September 11, 1924, by an all County all day basket picnic.

There will be suitable and appropriate ceremonies held at Caddell Bridge under direction of Judge A. G. Hughes, A. A. Pickering and O. A. Dill at 10:30 A. M. after which the crowd will go to the State Rifle Range nearby where the other activities of the day will be held.

There will be various games and entertainments including a flying machine, which will be present all day, a game of baseball between Kingwood and Rowlesburg, music all day by probably the largest band ever assembled in the county.

Ample parking room for automobiles on the grounds has been provided for, and also drinking water and other accommodations.

The people generally are urged to come, bring their lunch and spend the day in an enthusiastic celebration of the completion of this splendid section of State Highway in our county.


Charleston W. Va. 8-27-'24

C. A. Miller,
Terra Alta, W. Va.

General Charnock says you may use the rifle range farm at Caddell for the celebration of the completion of the hard road between Terra Alta and Kingwood.

He says "go ahead and make yourselves at home, and hopes you have a good time."

He will notify Captain Cole, in charge of the farm.

J. S. Lakin.
Pres. State Board of Control
