
The Brinkley Bridge

Wayne County News
June 23, 1961

Brinkley Would Like To Edit A Country Weekly

David Brinkley, internationally known NBC news commentator would like to won and edit a weekly newspaper.

This has long been a dream of the famous man but now it will have to wait.

In a brief interview with the Wayne County News, He admitted his dream of editing a country weekly, but quickly added: "But I have a way to go right now. I have three sons and want to see all of them through college. The youngest is six.

"Right now it costs about $10,000 to provide a young man with a college education - and by the time my boys get ready the cost will have doubled."

Brinkley, who started his news career as a reporter for a small newspaper, doesn't like a long-winded speech. And he doesn't make them either.

Speaking of speech, he said:

"When I was a reporter I was assigned to civic club meetings. They all met at the same hotel, Monday through Friday, 5 times a week, and ate the same food and heard the same speeches."

On Saturday Brinkley was presented with a brief case with his name stamped on it. And it contained all issues of Wayne County News which have contained stories of the Brinkley Day celebration.

Yes, he liked weekly newspapers - but right now he and his broadcasting partner Chet Huntley are rated as the best newsmen in TV, and it seems doubtful if he will ever get around to settling down on a weekly newspaper.
