
Railroad in Webster County

Webster Echo
December 22, 1899

Fork Lick Votes $10,000.

A light vote was polled at the railroad election last Tuesday.

The weather was unfavorable, and many people did not come out to the polls. Out of a total of 323 votes cast in Fork Lick district, 232 were for and 91 against the proposition. The vote by precincts was as follows: Addison, 179 for and 41 against; Leatherwood, 37 for and 34 against; Dyer School House, 16 for and 16 against. This makes, we believe, 95 votes more than the necessary three-fifths.

In Holly district the proposition to vote $3,000 is probably defeated, though the Sugar Creek precinct has not been heard from. At Diana 99 votes were east for and 36 against; at Salisbury School House, 41 against and 2 for.
