Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Certified copies of these records are available only from the issuing county or the West Virginia Vital Registration Office.
Guide to Vital Research Records Project
Pattern Match
Search Guide
- Use * to search for zero or more
characters before or after the search term. Examples: Jef*
returns Jeff, Jeffrey, Jefferson, etc. Ste*en returns
Steven, Stephen, etc. *alton returns Dalton, Walton,
etc. Using a * before and after a search term will find
that term anywhere in the field.
- Use _ to replace a single character with
a wildcard character. Examples: J_n returns Jan, Jen, Jon,
etc. _an returns Dan, Ian, Jan etc. Je_ returns
Jeb, Jed, Jen, etc. Multiple _ may be