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Art Works

Spring 2002

Access Workshop
Artworks! at Carnegie Hall
Fellowship winners
Reel Ambitions
Challenge America
A Writer's Journey
New State Arts Plan
Writing West Virginian
New Resource for Video Artists

From the director
We need YOU to help develop a new state arts plan

The West Virginia Commission on the Arts and the Arts Staff of the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History have begun a process that needs an indispensable ingredient: YOUR PARTICIPATION.

A core planning group including artists, art educators, arts administrators, West Virginia Commission on the Arts members, Secretary Kay Goodwin of the WV Department of Arts, Culture and History, Commissioner Nancy Herholdt and the Arts Staff has begun the process which will lead to a new West Virginia state arts plan.

The plan’s purposes include:

• Developing programs and services responsive to the needs of West Virginia artists and arts organizations;
• Identifying methods to increase public participation in the arts and public interest in the work of the state arts agency;
• Attending to policy decisions which set priorities for funding areas and distribution of funds;
• Improving reporting to legislature on effectiveness of public funding for the arts;
• Developing new resources; and
• Fulfilling planning requirements of WV Code and the National Endowment for the Arts.

During the next step in the process, members of the core planning group will visit communities around the state to solicit public input concerning the arts and the programs and services of the Commission and Division. The beginning of this schedule is shown in the box below. More than 20 meetings will be held between April and June.

The meetings will:

• Explain the who and why of the WVCA planning process;
• Invite participants to share their aspirations for the arts;
• Survey arts activities presently available;
• Discuss challenges to having arts in West Virginia’s communities;
• Share a draft of new mission, vision and value statements;
• Invite responses to an arts survey; and
• Provide training for a public input questionnaire.

If you are interested in attending a state arts plan public input meeting, or in hosting one in your community, call 304-558-0240 for information.

Richard Ressmeyer
Director of Arts