![]() November 22, 1895
A State mass meeting is hereby called by the National-American Woman Suffrage Association, to be held in the Court House, Grafton, West Virginia, November 25th and 26th, 1895, for the purpose of organizing a West Virginia State Suffrage Association. The question of woman suffrage is aggressively before the people of the whole national. The glorious example of Wyoming, where women have voted upon every question that men have for thirty years, has answered every objection of the opponent. She has demonstrated that none of the fancied ills, that theorists declared must follow the enfranchisement of women, have proved true in the actual experiment. Wyoming is to-day an unanswerable argument for the advantages of a government which knows no sex. There remain but two States without an organization to push the work. West Virginia is one of these. The progressive spirit of this State will not permit her to longer lag behind her neighbors in this line of march. The time to act is now. We earnestly request all the friends of the cause to be present at the mass meeting and participate in its deliberations. Entertainment for delegates will be provided in the hospitable homes of Grafton. Friends wishing entertainment will please address Mrs. l. H. Herr. An interesting program will be provided. Come one! Come all!! Let this be an earnest and enthusiastic gathering which shall make an energetic protest against existing conditions—a fit prophecy of a new time coming, when there shall be a higher and truer civilization.