
CORE and the Diamond Department Store

Charleston Daily Mail
May 3, 1960

Store Revises Eating Policy

The Diamond Department Store announced today that it will no longer refuse to serve Negroes in its cafeteria and at its lunch counter.

Negro organizations seeking racial equality have boycotted the store for more than two years because of its refusal to serve food to members of the race.

A month ago a group of West Virginia State College students staged a sit-in protest at the first floor lunch counter in their demand for service. They were refused. The store closed the counter for the day. There had been previous sit-ins at the store's fifth floor cafeteria.

Other Charleston merchandising establishments with eating facilities have for some time served Negroes. The Diamond becomes the last to lift the color barrier. Many restaurants and dining rooms, however, continue to refuse Negroes service.

A statement issued by the store follows:

"Cooperating with the Mayor's Commission on Human Relations, The Diamond is making its eating facilities available to all customers.

"The Diamond is endeavoring to comply with the policies of the Mayor's Commission which have been endorsed by our governor, prominent citizens, and other public and religious leaders for the conduct of better civic relations in our city."

African Americans

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