Businesses and Institutions
Civil Rights
Legal Cases
Collection Finding Aids
Celebrating Black History Month
A Brief History of African-Americans in West
A Timeline of African-American History of West Virginia
Celebrating Lives: A Glimpse at African-Americans in West Virginia
History of the American Negro
"An 'Ever-Present Bone of Contention': The Heyward
Shepherd Memorial," by Mary Johnson (West Virginia History)
Illustrated Story of Beautiful Kanawha Valley, 1923," by Edward A. McGhee
African American Soldiers Credited to West Virginia (Civil War)
Antebellum Slavery
Daring Escape on the Underground Railroad (Time Trail)
"Slavery in Present West Virginia in 1860," by Barbara Louise Emmerth (West Virginia History)
African-American Population of Present-Day West Virginia Counties
House of Delegates Proceedings on the
Abolishment of Slavery, January 30, 1865
House of Delegates Proceedings on the
Abolishment of Slavery, February 1, 1865
Senate Proceedings on the Abolishment of
Slavery, February 3, 1865
Letter From Wheeling Regarding the
of Slavery in West Virginia
Businesses and Institutions
J. R. Clifford and the Pioneer Press Newspaper
Pioneer Press Editorials, by J. R. Clifford
Establishment of the West Virginia Colored Tuberculosis
Sanitarium (Time Trail)
"Deaths at the West Virginia Colored Tuberculosis
at Denmar" (West Virginia History)
List of African American Hospitals, Physicians,
and Dentists in West Virginia in 1922
Bachelor Benedict Club
Early Negro Education In West
Storer College
"The West Virginia Colored Institute"
Legislative Act Creating West Virginia Colored
"A West Virginia Dilemma: Martin v. Board of
Education, 1896," by Douglas C. Smith (West Virginia History)
West Virginia Colored Orphans Home
Opening of the West Virginia Normal and Industrial School
for Colored Orphans (Time Trail)
Jared Arter and the West Virginia College and Seminary at
Hilltop (Time Trail)
Civilian Pilot Training Program at West Virginia State
College (Time Trail)
"On the Homefront in World War II: Soldier-Scholars at
West Virginia State College," by Louis E. Keefer (West Virginia History)
School Integration in West Virginia
Integration of West Virginia's Teachers' Associations (Time Trail)
Violence at Bluefield State College
Civil Rights
Niagara Movement Meets at Storer College in Harpers Ferry
Charleston Lawyer Blocks Premiere of Birth of a Nation (Time Trail)
Brown vs. Board of Education (Kanawha County)
West Virginia Upholds Anti-Lynching Law (Time Trail)
School Integration in West Virginia
Integration of West Virginia's Teachers' Associations (Time Trail)
Elgin Baylor Boycotts Basketball Game in Charleston
Integration of Charleston Lunch Counters (Time Trail)
Integration of The Diamond's Lunch Counter
"Along U. S. 60: 50 Eating Places Refuse Negroes"
Legal Cases
Taylor Strauder Case
Brown vs. Board of Education (Kanawha County)
West Virginia Upholds Anti-Lynching Law (Time Trail)
First State Basketball Tournament for Black Athletes (Time Trail)
West Virginia State College Wins the National Black Basketball Championship (Time Trail)
Elgin Baylor Boycotts Basketball Game in Charleston
Biography of Jared Maurice Arter
Fannie Cobb Carter
Cornelius Charlton
Biography of J. R. Clifford
John Warren Davis
Biography of Martin Delany
Biography of Elizabeth Simpson Drewry
Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Biography of Hal Greer
Hanging of John Hardy
Roscoe C. Harrison
John Henry
Death of Former State Law Librarian James Arthur Jackson
J. McHenry Jones
Martin Luther King in West Virginia
Lawson Family Genealogy
Biography of Charles E. McGhee
Leon Miller
Biography of Mildred Mitchell-Bateman
Biography of John C. Norman, Jr.
Christopher Payne
Dick Pointer and the Attack on Fort Donnally
Byrd Prillerman
Biography of Samuel W. Starks
Leon Sullivan
Booker T. Washington
Carter G. Woodson
Collection Finding Aids
Ancella Bickley Collection
Elaine Blue Collection
Ken Blue Collection
Anderson Brown Collection
Lee Carol Cook Collection
Elizabeth Gilmore Collection
Harden and Harden Funeral Home Collection
Tanner J. Livisay Collection
John C. Norman Sr. Collection
Dr. John C. Norman Collection
Norman Family Collection
Preston Funeral Home Records Collection
Josephine Morris Rayford Collection
West Virginia Medical Society Collection
Mary L. Williams Collection
Harriette Wright Collection
See State Archives Guide to Collections for more collections related to African American history, including those that do not have finding aids.
History Center