
The Murder of Lewis Collins

McDowell Recorder
July 25, 1924

Mrs. Conley Suffers Loss O[f] Arm Thru Discharge Of Gun

Mrs. Ella Conley, wife of George Conley who is in jail awaiting trial on the charge of murdering Lewis Collins, Litwar merchant, was shot in the left arm by the accidental discharge of a shotgun, Thursday night, and underwent an operation in St. Luke's hopital for the am[p]utation of the arm.

Since her husband's arrest Mrs. Conley has been staying with a married sister at Pocahontas. Her brother-in-law is employed at night, and after he had gone to his work last night, the women became alarmed and got out an old shotgun for protection.

When Mrs. Conley went to see if it was properly loaded the gun discharged, the shot entering her left arm. She was rushed to Bluefield, where an examination at St. Luke's hospital showed that she was so badly injured that the arm had to be amputated.

As Mrs. Conley is one of the most material witnesses for her husband, and will be unable to appear in court here Monday, July 28 when the case is called for trial, it is thought likely it will be postponed until early in August.

Crime and Punishment

West Virginia Archives and History