The Comer family had something of a tradition of military service; Clarence's father Owen served as a cook for the Army in World War I and his older brother Warren served in the 34th Infantry as a machine gunner in World War II. It was inevitable then that Clarence would follow in his older brother's footsteps to fight, enlisting on January 9, 1944, according to his obituary in the September 16, 1948, edition of the Clay Free Press, several months before he would have received his high school diploma. He was assigned to the 406th Infantry, part of the 102nd Infantry Division, where he would spend the duration of the conflict.
Seeing conflict had a profound effect on young Clarence, and in his letters back to his family it shows. He speaks of accepting Jesus Christ as his personal savior. In a letter dated from October 12, 1944, Clarence writes about how he "wish[es] [he] was back home to go to church" with his mother and father. Pfc. Comer says that like himself, "There's been lots of boys that changed their way of living since they came over [to the war]." Clarence managed to avoid any substantive injury for the duration of the war; his brother Warren was wounded in action and returned home to recuperate. After Berlin fell, Clarence stayed in Germany with his unit. Unfortunately, he would never be able to return home and attend church services with his family, or his sweetheart Earlene.
On January 27, 1946, Clarence's father Owen received a telegram at the Widen mine, where he worked for a short period of time. It informed him of Clarence Comer's untimely and unexpected death. The Colonel commanding Clarence's 406th Infantry wrote about the circumstances of Clarence's death in a letter to the family dated January 28:
[Clarence] was a jeep driver for Cannon Company of this regiment. Last night [January 27], at 8:30 P.M. at the junction of Naila, Bad Steben and Nala Holle roads at Marxgun, Germany, the jeep which [Clarence] was driving skidded on the icy road, spun around and hit a tree. [Clarence] suffered a concussion of the brain. [and] he died 12 hours later.
West Virginia Archives and History welcomes any additional information that can be provided about these veterans, including photographs, family names, letters and other relevant personal history.