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Reorganized Government
General Assembly of Virginia

July 23, 1861

House of Delegates met at 10 A. M.

Prayer by Rev. R. V. Dodge, of Presbyterian Church.

Communication from the Senate announced adherence to their amendment to House bill No. 10, regulating the salaries of the officers of the branch of the Exchange Bank of Virginia at Weston, and requesting the concurrence of the House in the appointment of a Conference Committee.

Also, the passage of the resolution published in the Senate proceedings of yesterday, and asking concurrence therein.

Mr. SMITH, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported a bill entitled, "An act to provide for the preservation of the public health.

Also, a substitute for Senate bill No. 4, entitled, An act rearranging the Judicial Circuits of Western Virginia.

Also, a bill entitled, An act to provide for the confinement and safe keeping of prisoners sentenced to the penitentiary.

Which were read by their titles and ordered to be printed.

He also reported that the committee concurs with the Senate in amendments to bill No. 2.

Mr. WETZEL, from the committee to examine enrolled bills, reported a bill entitled, An act to amend and re-enact the 15th section of chapter 15 of the code.

The bill was, on motion of Mr. Farnsworth, laid over for the present.

Mr. WEST, from the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation, to whom was referred a resolution to exempt the mail carrier on the Wheeling and Bethany turnpike from toll, reported adversely on the resolution.

Mr. PORTER from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred a resolution to refund to the Sheriff of Ohio county amounts overpaid by him to the Auditor, reported adversely thereon.

He, also from the same committee, reported various amendments to the appropriation bill.

Mr. SNIDER from the Committee of Conference in relation to the amendments to the bill regulating the military forces not mustered into the service of the United States, reported that they had agreed to amend by striking out the word "staff," which was adopted.

Mr. WEST moved to reconsider the vote by which the House had resolved to adjourn on Wednesday.

Objection being made he withdrew the motion.

He then moved to pass by the order of the day for the present. After a good deal of discussion about extending the time fixed for adjournment, the question was taken and the motion lost.

The special order was then taken up, it being the bill and substitutes in relation to a division of the State. A lengthy discussion followed, and several gentlemen addressed the House.

[We prefer to give the discussion in full at a future day, to a bare and uninteresting outline this morning. - EDS]

Several amendments were offered to the bill, and some adopted. The House took a recess with the subject pending.


House reassembled at two o'clock P. M.

Mr. PORTER, from the Committee on Finance, obtained leave to report a bill making an appropriation for military purposes.

Also a bill authorizing the Executive to borrow money on the credit of the State.

The bills were read by their titles and ordered to be printed.

The order of the day, it being the election of Public Printer was then taken up.

Mr. Boreman moved to reconsider the vote by which the order was made.


Mr. VANCE was appointed to notify the Senate that the House was ready proceed to the election.

Mr. HOOTON obtained leave to offer the following resolution.

Resolved, That all the commanders of camps or places of rendezvous shall have power, under the control and discretion of the Governor of this Commonwealth to regulate or prohibit the sale of ardent spirits within the bounds of the camps or place of rendezvous.

A message from the Senate announced its readiness to proceed to the election.

Mr. ZINN nominated Messrs. Trowbridge & Downey.

Mr. CROTHERS nominated Messrs. Campbell & M'Dermot.

Mr. WEST suggested that Mr. Downey, being a member of the Legislature, was under the law ineligible.

Mr. ARNOLD said he was authorized to say that if the House saw fit to election him Mr. Downey he would resign his position in the House.

The Senate having informed the House of their readiness to proceed, the roll was called, and resoluted, Trowbridge & Downey, 20; Campbell & M'Dermot, 4; Downey, 2.

The CHAIR said it had been suggested that the election, as it had taken place, was irregular, as the resolution required the election of a "Printer" and not printers.

The vote was reconsidered, and

Mr. ZINN nominated Mr. Trowbridge.

The Senate was informed of the nomination, and a message from that body returned the nomination of Mr. Trowbridge, with the additional nomination of Mr. Campbell.

Mr. PORTER said he had voted for Campbell & M'Dermot as a firm for Printers, but that, as Mr. Campbell held a position now under the Government, he was ineligible to the office of Public Printer, under a provision of the Constitution.

The roll was called, and resulted, Trowbridge, 26; Campbell, 4.

Messrs. Zinn, Boreman and Swan were appointed to ascertain the joint vote, and returning, reported, Trowbridge, 33; Campbell 4.

So Mr. Trowbridge was declared elected Public Printer of the State of Virginia.

The unfinished business of the morning recurring, Mr. Vance moved the previous question.

The question on putting the previous question was decided in the negative.

So the question recurred in the indefinite postponement of the bill and substitutes.

[Here followed a discussion and several speeches on the division of the State, full reports of which will be published as early as practicable.]

The question on the indefinite postponement was finally put and decided in the negative, by yeas 9, nays 22.

Mr. SMITH moved to lay the bill and substitutes on the table until morning. Adopted.

So the subject of a division of the State was postponed until morning.

Mr. FARNSWORTH offered the following:

Resolved, That all officers of this Commonwealth who refuse to take the oath prescribed by the constitution of the United States and the reorganized Government of Virginia, shall be allowed no claims of office or salaries.

The resolution was laid over.

Mr. PORTER moved to take up the appropriation bill. The bill was taken up, read a second time, variously amended, and ordered to its engrossment.

Mr. HOOTON moved the suspension of the rule for the purpose of taking up the resolution he had offered.

The resolution was considered and referred to the Committee on Courts of Justice.

The bill regulating the salaries of the officers of the Exchange Bank at Weston, as amended by the Senate, was taken up, the amendments disagreed to, and Messrs. Arnold, Wilson and Boreman appointed a committee to confer with a like committee or part of the Senate in relation to them.

Mr. FARNSWORTH offered the following:

Resolved, That all offices of the Commonwealth of Virginia known to be vacated by the officers thereof, either by absenting themselves, by giving aid and comfort to the Secessionists, or joining the rebel army, thereby neglecting the duties of said offices, shall, on the fact becoming known to the Governor, be declared vacant, and he shall be empowered to order a new election to fill such offices.

The resolution was ordered to lie over.

Senate bill No. 6 was taken up, read and recommitted to the Committee on Courts of Justice.

House bill to prevent county courts and overseers of the poor from making levies for the aid of the rebellion, was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed.

Mr. CROTHERS moved to reconsider the vote by which the House agreed to adjourn on Wednesday, and substitute Monday next. Lost.

The resolution fixing on to-morrow for adjournment was taken up.

Mr. WEST moved to lay on the table. Lost.

Mr. WEST Moved to amend the resolution by striking out Wednesday and substituting Monday next.


Mr. VANCE moved to substitute Thursday, which motion was also lost. The question recurring upon the adoption of the resolution, Mr. Logan moved to lay it on the table. Motion rejected.

Mr. WEST moved to indefinitely postpone the consideration of the resolution. The motion was rejected and without disposing of the resolution the House adjourned.


The President being absent Mr. Gist, of Brooke, occupied the chair.

The Senate took up the bill providing for the organization of volunteer militia, which, after a few immaterial amendments, was passed.

The House bill providing for the organization of patrols during the war was taken up and passed.

The Senate bill fixing compensation of members of executive council was passed.

The House bill authorizing the Treasurer to sell uncurrent bank notes and authorizing the Governor to direct what notes shall be received in payment to the State, was passed.

Mr. FLESHER, from a special committee appointed for the purpose, reported a bill appropriating $200,000 for the organization of volunteer companies.

On motion of Mr. Close the bill was ordered to be printed and made the special order for to-morrow.

On motion the Senate adjourned.

July 1
July 2
July 3
July 5
July 6
July 8
July 9
July 10
July 11
July 12
July 13
July 15
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 22
July 23
July 25
July 26

Chapter Eight: Legislature of the Reorganized Government of Virginia

West Virginia Archives and History